Posts Tagged ‘posts’


Its Like Sex

In Facebook on January 24, 2011 by radioray1025 Tagged: , , ,

Anyone can do “it” right?

Talking about Facebook now, so get your mind straight for a moment.  I had a flash of inspiration for the headline, which my college Journalism professor would have with smiled.  Or given me an “F” for being tawdry.  But it’s true.

Like sex, everyone thinks they know how to do Facebook.   And yes, the basics are the basics, no matter which of the subjects you are speaking.  Both subjects have a huge number of “how to” books, so if you aren’t doing it right or want to do it better, you might be able to open a book and read about it.

Is your Facebook getting a standing ovation from your audience?  I don’t want to know how many likes you have or how many different listeners have succumbed to your marketing prowess.  I want to know are they coming back for more.  Do you know who they are, or are they nameless faces in the realm of cyber darkness?

It’s not how many, it’s how long they stay.  It’s not how big, it’s how good it is.

If you’re not getting MORE impressions per post than you have fans;  if you’re not pulling fans to your money blog or website; if your monthly active user number isn’t 80% or higher; you’re not getting good use of the tools you have.

The simplicity of Facebook is alluring.  It’s easy to post to the world’s largest website.  But are you getting seen?  Moreover, are you listening or are you in broadcast mode?  Are you making notches on the headboard or are you building your fan base?


I Wanna Talk About Me

In Facebook on January 11, 2011 by radioray1025 Tagged: , , ,

Is there someone in your office you avoid? Maybe you’ve gone to your spouse or significant other’s party during the holiday, and there’s this loudmouth holding court in the middle of the room. All, it seems, he or she wants to do is talk about them.

Former Clear Channel SVP Alan Sledge pounded this line when he talked about talent and performance on air. “Its about them, not about you.” He’s right of course.

So why is your Facebook page awash with stuff about you?


  1. Sales remotes and appearances
  2. Spots on the web site where I can sell something (i.e coupons, 50/50 deals, etc)
  3. Long music sweeps

I love the one I saw last night. Its this weeks winner!

“‎7 songs to go in the Hot 9 at 9 countdown on your radio now! Plus listen to win at 9:21!”

And there were 8 similarly targeted messages on this stations page to ponder.

Facebook is about the conversation. Its about the listener. Talk with them. The bad habits that programmers coach against from air talent are all over Facebook.

At least on the air, they are said and disappear. On Facebook, they are here for all to see.

Doing Facebook properly is unlike any other form of marketing we’ve been doing in radio. It takes planning, proper targeting, and coaching. Posting items like the above won’t cut it. You’re are wasting your time and the listeners time. Just because its easy doesn’t mean your talent knows what they are doing.  You might as well pick up the phone or open the mike and insult the listener.

The above post clearly shows that.