Posts Tagged ‘customize’


So Simple–Brilliant Use Of New Facebook Layout

In Facebook on February 17, 2011 by radioray1025 Tagged: ,

This is so simple and smart. The new Facebook layout creates 5 randomized photos to go across the top of your wall. Some have tried to spell works or create a photo montage.

That doesn’t work as Facebook randomizes the phone panel each time you look at the wall. Its valuable real estate so what to do

What any good radio salesperson would do–jam it with an ad. This time since you control it rather than an ad server somewhere, create a graphic that emphasizes something about the product.

Here’s an example

Now when your listener clicks on one of your “Click here” buttons they’ll go to the new lightbox photograph page on Facebook. On that page, you’ll write a compelling description and link for where you want the listener to go.

Simple and effective too. Maybe it’s a club signup or music test. Easily done now from the Facebook platform.

Questions on how to execute? Leave them in the comments.

NOTE: make sure your photos are 97 x 68px or have that ratio for best results.